Training Courses
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La Salle Gràcia holds the Erasmus+ Charter and has been awarded the Erasmus Higher Education Charter (ECHE). To publicize our internationalization policy, we have published the section of our school's strategic plan that deals with this issue, together with La Salle Gràcia's Erasmus Policy Statement.


What is the Erasmus+ program?

It is a lifelong learning program promoted by the European Commission that includes different initiatives in education, training, youth and sport. Some of the objectives of the Erasmus+ program are to improve the level of basic skills, the promotion of intercultural dialogue, solidarity and social inclusion, the increase of mobility opportunities, the improvement of the quality of work and cooperative work.

European program
Erasmus+ national portal
Thumb Erasmus-Charter-for-Higher-Education-GRACIA-Firmada-V2.pdf Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (GRACIA) (Firmada V2).pdf

2.21 MB 2023-02-08 8 de February de 2023 2023-02-08 8 de February de 2023



Comencem un nou curs!
Ja esteu a punt?

  • Dilluns 9 de setembre:
    • Educació Infantil i Primària: 9h
    • 1r i 2n d’ESO: 10:30h
    • 3r i 4t d’ESO: 11h
  • Dijous 12 de setembre:
    • Batxillerat: 11h
    • 1r de Cicles Formatius: 10h
    • 2n de Cicles Formatius: 16h
CreaEscola Quality Certificate for Education Website