Training cycles

General DUAL FP

Internship in the Company
Work placement

The internship in the company is mandatory in all training centers and aims to allow the student to apply all the knowledge acquired during the course in a real work environment. The practical training hours in the General DUAL FP program amount to 515 hours in the company.

Thanks to the internship in the company, the student will be able to:

  • Complete on-the-job training with real-world experience in a specific location.
  • Integrate into the student’s curriculum actions aimed at facilitating the transition to the world of work.
  • Enable knowledge of the real technologies used by the company.

These goals can only be achieved with the collaboration of companies from different sectors sensitive to these needs and willing to help in the training of the professionals of the future.

Internship in the Company

E+E program

At La Salle Gràcia we manage the practice notebook through the E+E Program (company+school, school+company) and the QBID Student application.

E+E is an agreement between the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the General Council of Chambers of Catalonia that seeks to facilitate the relationship between the educational world and the productive world.


Comencem un nou curs!
Ja esteu a punt?

  • Dilluns 9 de setembre:
    • Educació Infantil i Primària: 9h
    • 1r i 2n d’ESO: 10:30h
    • 3r i 4t d’ESO: 11h
  • Dijous 12 de setembre:
    • Batxillerat: 11h
    • 1r de Cicles Formatius: 10h
    • 2n de Cicles Formatius: 16h
CreaEscola Quality Certificate for Education Website