Educational offer

Early childhood

P-3 (three years)
P-4 (four years)
P-5 (five years)

Reasons to learn with us

This stage is arranged by
Pedagogical proposal

Children are the main protagonists of the entire learning process. We take their concerns, needs and experiences into account in order to build their own learning together, making it more meaningful.

We offer a school environment that allows children to grow up independent, happy and safe. Where they have the possibility to express themselves, to propose and to really intervene in day-to-day life. Not all children are the same, however. That’s why we understand that the difference is an enriching fact. Each student is unique and that is why we value their development individually, thinking that not all children have to reach the same point at the same time. We value processes more than results.

Educational quality

Ours is a quality proposal within an open and welcoming, dynamic and lively school. We base our teaching on four aspects:


Respecting the individuality of each child, we make this adaptation process as natural as possible, providing a pleasant and safe environment for them.


We believe that school is a very good place to work on emotions and feelings, since we spend many hours there, we live with many other people, and we are all different and unique. We take a lot into account how the child feels, because emotional well-being is essential for good development.


Habits give children security and help them orient themselves and organize themselves. The acquisition of habits allows them to be more autonomous and confident.


Families are the first educators in a child’s life and that is why it is important to work together in order to guarantee the appropriate growth of our students, providing a space for experiences that will certainly enrich the acquisition of their learning . We are a family and close school that values ​​the relationship with the family.

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NCA learning moments in Early Childhood Education

We work on the reception for the events of each day. Time to welcome students, with a relaxed entrance where families can enter the classroom. It is the time to take an interest in the children who are arriving and those who have not come to school that day.

We work from the emotion of KNOWING and KNOWING HOW. We learn content and share our learnings.

We work from the understanding of KNOWING and KNOWING TO BE. Space to communicate, understand, connect or discover.

We work on what we know to be by sharing experiences. Time to enjoy playing, to learn from creativity.

We work on the reflection of what we have done. Time to review, evaluate, celebrate and say goodbye.

Own projects for Early Childhood Education

Extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities, or extracurricular activities, aim to complement the curricular learning and comprehensive training of our children and young people.

Comencem un nou curs!
Ja esteu a punt?

  • Dilluns 9 de setembre:
    • Educació Infantil i Primària: 9h
    • 1r i 2n d’ESO: 10:30h
    • 3r i 4t d’ESO: 11h
  • Dijous 12 de setembre:
    • Batxillerat: 11h
    • 1r de Cicles Formatius: 10h
    • 2n de Cicles Formatius: 16h
CreaEscola Quality Certificate for Education Website