Educational offer

Primary Education

Initial cycle (from 6 to 8 years)
Middle cycle (from 8 to 10 years)
Higher Cycle (from 10 to 12 years)

Reasons to learn with us

This stage is arranged by
The axes of the primary stage
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NCA learning moments in Primary Education

It is the field of experience that prepares the student for the future. It is a moment of meeting, welcome, reflection, interiority, planning and motivation for the day.
It is a time to create and live the expectation of learning.
It provides us with the time and tools to develop with the students good habits of preparation for the day at a personal, bodily, attention level… Both from the interior layout to the necessary organization.

It is the area where the meeting between person and knowledge takes place, where the curricular content goes. It is the space of KNOWLEDGE.

The deployment of SEMINARS will be related to the curriculum of the educational stage and will be characterized by the synthesis of fundamental knowledge to guarantee instrumental learning in the rest of the didactic areas.

  • Mathematical thinking
  • Scientific thinking
  • Artistic thinking
  • Linguistic thinking
  • Technological thinking

It is the area in which the student builds himself and is the protagonist of his learning. It is the space of BEING.

They are characterized by being moments where different knowledge is combined and are based on experimentation, manipulation and experience.

  • Disciplinary workshop: ERE, plastic, Ed. physics and music.
  • Interdisciplinary workshop: they are based on creating activities in which the theoretical content is related to its practical application.

It is the area where students work across all the NCA principles, learning from experience. It is the space of DOING.

It consists of promoting a globalized and competent learning, creating autonomous students, capable of solving new challenges in cooperation with others. The projects will have different phases:

  • Motivation Initial activities.
  • Development. Research activities.
  • Synthesis activities and final product.

It is the moment of evaluation, reflection and celebration of what has been experienced.

With this educational moment we will help the students to take care of the end of the day, the session or the project, closing the day with peace of mind.

Look at what we have done, what we have learned, what we have experienced and what is left to learn, to discover. It is the opportunity to reflect individually and cooperatively, to be able to plan the next steps, identify mistakes and learn from them.

It’s time to activate metacognition processes.

Small pills or moments to encourage attention and relaxation.

Own Primary Education projects

Extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities, or extracurricular activities, aim to complement the curricular learning and comprehensive training of our children and young people.

Comencem un nou curs!
Ja esteu a punt?

  • Dilluns 9 de setembre:
    • Educació Infantil i Primària: 9h
    • 1r i 2n d’ESO: 10:30h
    • 3r i 4t d’ESO: 11h
  • Dijous 12 de setembre:
    • Batxillerat: 11h
    • 1r de Cicles Formatius: 10h
    • 2n de Cicles Formatius: 16h
CreaEscola Quality Certificate for Education Website