At La Salle Gràcia we provide a set of experiences outside the classroom that allow our students different ways of approaching knowledge and offer them a full training. Our school considers the model of integration of knowledge access technologies in the curriculum as one of the drivers of change in the education system. The ultimate goal of this project is to create learning environments with TACs, integrating them in all areas, stages and levels.
The widespread use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) requires new personal, social and professional skills in order to face the constant changes imposed by technological advances in all areas.
This revolution imposed by the omnipresence of ICT tools also affects the educational world in a very special way.
The LOMLOE (Organic Law of Modification of the LOE) considers digital competence as a fundamental competence in today’s world and which will be even more so in the future, that is why it focuses a lot on the use of new technologies, using them to make our students more creative and also more critical, having more access to information. Of course, always using it responsibly.
An innovative education is one that affects what is taught and how it is learned, that prioritizes the desire to learn, the right to think and understand, and that helps to awaken the critical sense of students and teachers .