Welcome to La Salle Gràcia

Get to know the school

Childhood education

Primary Education



Training Courses

Our school

Welcome to La Salle Gràcia, an educational center founded more than 100 years ago, and located in the heart of the Gràcia district, in Barcelona. We are a dynamic and active school, with a close involvement with our neighborhood and our environment.

Our educational offer ranges from P3 to post-compulsory education: Baccalaureate and Higher Education Cycles.

La Salle Gràcia
Icona Fletxa amb estrella

Our educational project

It integrates the tradition of being a hundred-year-old school with pedagogical innovation. Our entire Educational Community works in the same line to give coherence to our proposal, with people who believe in a consolidated project but who at the same time keep it alive and constantly evolving.

Network of more than 25 schools

La Salle Gràcia is part of the La Salle network of schools, a network with 25 centers in Catalonia and more than 1,000 centers worldwide, which is committed to an educational project based on an offer of Christian values ​​at the service of a quality education that responds to the needs of today’s world.

La Salle Gràcia

Educational model



We work in an integrative environment in which we attend to the particular needs of our students.

Innovative pedagogical style

Under constant analysis and renewal by our team of experts.


in values

We provide people with comprehensive training through responsibility, justice, coexistence, transcendence and interiority.

Technological and practical learning

We are committed to the use of technology to prepare our students for new challenges of the future.
La Salle Gràcia
Future challenges

Our goal is to train people and prepare them to face the challenges of the future, and we do this from two sides: academically and personally. Academically, we equip our students with the knowledge and skills they will need for their incorporation as active agents in society. Learning foreign languages, robotics, technology, cooperative learning, emotional education and project work provide the basis and knowledge for new educational challenges. From the personal side, we attend to the needs of the students so that they become autonomous, responsible people, with a solid scale of values, committed to society and the world.

The school
Our history

The school was founded in 1892, thanks to a grant from Dorotea de Chopieta. Initially, the school was located on Carrer de l’Església, and it wasn’t until later that it was moved to where we are now, in Plaça del Nord.

La Salle Gràcia

Our facilities

La Salle Gràcia

Continuous improve


The school has implemented a process management model, based on ISO 9001:2015, which seeks continuous improvement in the quality of education. La Salle Gràcia takes into account in its processes the legal requirements applicable in each of them and ensures their compliance. The Management considers quality to be an essential factor for the success of the center and understands that each member must be responsible for the function they perform. Therefore, our Quality Policy is in agreement with meeting the needs of students and the rest of the Educational Community, offering them quality education and services, seeking continuous improvement.

La Salle Gràcia's Quality Policy pursues:

Through our Quality Policy, at La Salle Gràcia we want to provide society with a quality educational service, which allows students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills within the framework of our Character.

To be a reference center in our context, where the concept of continuous improvement and the Lasallian pedagogical tradition are present in all actions and become a way of doing things together and in community.

  • Continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of activities and services.
  • Guarantee the trust and satisfaction of the client (team, students, families, environment and municipality and society in general) so our Center will try to meet their expectations now and in the future.

The implementation and maintenance of our Quality Management System includes as references:

  • The personal dimension of the student, which implies the satisfaction of their educational needs from Christian values.
  • The family dimension, which involves a relationship of trust between the family and the Centre, in order to guarantee the quality of the educational service that their sons and daughters receive.
  • The professional dimension, which makes necessary the satisfaction of the Teaching Team and the Administration and Services Staff.
  • The social dimension, which requires students to be equipped with skills, abilities and values ​​in order to integrate into society.
  • The technical dimension, which seeks the fulfillment and updating of the quality objectives and the requirements established by the Educational Administration.
  • The economic-financial dimension, which involves the Management’s commitment to manage the Center’s resources in order to provide the necessary infrastructure to achieve the quality objectives.

The Management of the Center undertakes to communicate the Quality Policy to the entire Educational Community. This will be available to all members on the school website and the document database for internal use will be kept as documented information.

The Center’s Quality Policy is reviewed in order to adapt it to the changes that occur in society continuously. The entire Educational Community accepts this challenge and assumes the responsibility of actively participating in the development and improvement of quality at the Centre, revising, when necessary, the objectives set in order to fulfill our Mission.


Educational community


That they have turned the school into their home and convey a sense of belonging to all of us who live there, bearing witness to the life of our Founder.

A large human team made up of nearly 150 teachers and specialists in constant training who train students in content, skills and values.

They manage the school’s documentation, attend to and accompany users in everything they may need and take care of the facilities.

They are present in the students’ leisure spaces to accompany them in their training process.

A team that shares a formative vision of sport at the service of the sports disciplines that the club has.

A large and organized community of families with representatives and delegates where everyone has the opportunity to participate in the active life of the school.

The center of our entire community.


La Salle Gràcia Family Association

La Salle Gràcia’s Families Association (AFA) collaborates in the educational and social dynamics of the school, as well as in the organization of various activities that link the school with the neighborhood and its immediate surroundings.

There are various ways for families to collaborate with the Association and with the school, highlighting the possibility of exercising the functions of course delegate or sub-delegate and actively participating in its Committees.

Class delegates or sub-delegates are the representatives of the parents of each class and transmitters of information of general interest to the school, through the Board, and to the parents of the your class Up to 3 meetings are held throughout the course.

The Commissions made up of parents sensitized in the same topic or area of ​​action meet to energize activities and give their support to the school in carrying out activities for the students.

La Salle Gràcia

Sports club

A comprehensive education includes education for health, physical activity and nutrition as pillars of training for life.

The La Salle Gràcia Sports Club offers a range of extracurricular activities in the sports field where sport is practiced based on the values ​​contained in the Lasallian Character: friendship, responsibility, teamwork, respect and coexistence


Estrella del Nord Group

La Salle Gràcia is clear that education in the light is a transforming engine for our students, both in school and outside. It is for now that we compete with Estrella del Nord (North Star), the group of young people who carry out a series of trobades outside of school hours, the dissabtes, so that I can learn more through jocs, gimcanes, cançons, danses, sorties, excursions, camping… We all pray to be able to donate this valuable value in our educational establishment to the service of our children and young people.

It meets on Saturdays from 5 to 7 p.m., and there is a weekend cap assortment every quarter and a week of summer camps.


The Cercle Cultural I Recreatiu La Salle

The Cercle La Salle, which has completed vintage and five years, is a welcoming space, with an atmosphere of friendship, culture, entertainment, joy and optimism. Its objective is to offer learning and cultural and educational purposes for people of retirement age, largely linked to La Salle with alumni, family members, friends, neighbors… For this reason, we offer a set of transcendent, scientific, cultural, artistic and light activities.

Currently, we offer the following services and activities:

  • Weekly courses: languages ​​(Catalan, English, French), music history, art and Bible, psychology, memory.
  • Painting workshop.
  • Table games spaces: basket and Rummikub.
  • Audiovisual sessions, conferences; trips, celebrations…
  • Premises at La Salle Gràcia School.

Hours: Monday to Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. And some Thursday afternoons.
Reduced prices, as the organization follows voluntary criteria.

Information and registration from September 18

Lifelong learning is enriching; overcoming new challenges motivates us and makes us feel personally satisfied. Many people for various reasons stopped studying to devote themselves to other tasks. The Circle is designed to cover these needs in those people who at the time could not study or want to continue training.
Adult education offers a substantial contribution to personal development, social inclusion, active citizenship and much more.

Cercle La Salle is an association recognized and approved by the Generalitat de Catalunya as an adult training centre.

Access to the mail @lasalle.cat

La Salle in the world

Comencem un nou curs!
Ja esteu a punt?

  • Dilluns 9 de setembre:
    • Educació Infantil i Primària: 9h
    • 1r i 2n d’ESO: 10:30h
    • 3r i 4t d’ESO: 11h
  • Dijous 12 de setembre:
    • Batxillerat: 11h
    • 1r de Cicles Formatius: 10h
    • 2n de Cicles Formatius: 16h
CreaEscola Quality Certificate for Education Website